Feel Better Naturally with iTeraCare and Terahertz Therapy

A Genuine Prife iTeraCare Device

Make the most of this incredible cutting-edge technology to improve your health and wellbeing at home or professionally at work.

iTeraCare Classic Device

iTeraCare Premium Device

iTeraCare Pro Device

Are you tired of constantly feeling run down and exhausted? 

Do you suffer from chronic pain or discomfort that leaves you unable to enjoy life to the fullest? 

If so, it’s time to take control of your health with the iTeraCare Device Wand. This incredible product uses revolutionary technology to help reduce inflammation, increase circulation, and provide natural pain relief, all without any invasive procedures or harmful side effects.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla

What are the Benefits of iTeraCare Wand?

Using the iTeraCare frequency devices may assist your body to the following:

  • Pain Management

  • Reduce Inflammation

  • Activate and Repairs Damaged Cells

  • Strengthens Metabolism, Improves Circulation

  • Relieves All Kinds of Pain Caused by Muscle Stiffness

  • Reduces Fatigue, Restores Energy, Improves Sleep

  • Strengthens Organ Function

  • Relieves Gastrointestinal Problems

  • Regulates Immune System

  • Rapidly Detoxify Lymphatic System

  • Relieve Skin Problems and Enhances Anti-Ageing

  • Rapidly Clears Meridians

About iTeraCare

The iTeraCare Device “Wand” is a non-invasive, natural and safe way to help improve your health and well-being. It helps you get the most out of your body’s natural healing processes. This cutting-edge technology stimulates and accelerates your body’s ability to heal itself, providing fast relief from pain, fatigue, and inflammation.

It offers numerous benefits to individuals seeking better health and wellness and is the latest treatment from the world of advanced healing.  It a powerful tool for promoting holistic wellbeing and improving overall quality of life for individuals.

iTeraCare is a revolutionary technology that integrates three top technologies – Terahertz, Quantum and Optical Quartz. 

One of the key advantages of iTeraCare lies in its use of non-ionizing energy, which promotes healing and relaxation without harmful radiation exposure. Non-ionizing energy has been shown to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, boost the immune system, and enhance overall physical performance. In addition to these physiological benefits, iTeraCare also offers numerous mental health benefits such as reduced stress levels and improved sleep quality. The non-invasive nature of this technology makes it an attractive option for those who want to support their wellbeing natural way. 

The Power of Terahertz Technology

  • Non-Ionizing Energy

    Unlike X-rays, for example, terahertz can still penetrate the body, but because of the low energy, it is non-ionizing and harmless. It promotes healing and relaxation without harmful radiation exposure.

  • Hydrogen Bonds

    The characteristic energy of the hydrogen bond, which is the most dominant bond in biological molecules, lies in the THz frequency range.

  • Cell Therapy

    Researchers from the RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics have found that terahertz frequencies may have applications in manipulating cell functions for the treatment of certain conditions.

  • Precision Targeting

    A recent scientific study found that terahertz frequencies when targeting specific areas of the body can have an effect on proteins inside cells without harming or altering the cells themselves.

Restore Your Balance naturally with the Health & Wellness industry’s newest revolutionary product.

What are the Main 8 Functions of iTeraCare THZ Lightwave Cell Therapy Device?

The use of the IteraCare Wand and Theraherts Therapy has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its numerous benefits. This innovative technology is designed to target specific areas of the body, providing pain relief and promoting healing through non-invasive methods.

1. Identification

Tera frequency can penetrate the skin by 20-30cm, and it’s able to reach the bone marrow. This frequency is able to detect blockage and inflammation within our body.

Pain, burning and tingling sensation will be felt on problematic

2. Eliminating Unhealthy Cells

Tera Hertz wave vibration is the same with our normal cells, abnormal or mutated cells will absorb much of the Tera Hertz energy and will be eliminated. It is recommended to consume warm charged water before using iTeraCare to help eliminate unhealthy cells

3. Repairs Damaged cells and increase strength and self-healing

Terahertz frequency has the same resonance as normal cells. It induces and strengthens the DNA organic molecules, whereby it enhances self-repairing body cells.

iTeraCare assists the body in feeling more relaxed, comfortable and energetic. Normal cells absorb the THZ energy, moderately increase temperature, and get activated. Daily usage helps the regeneration of our cells.

4. Clears the Lymphatic system

Terahertz frequency:

  • Reduces blood flow resistance and viscosity.
  • Cleanse blood impurities and inner body.
  • Promote blood circulation and removing clots.
  • Soften blood vessels and lumps
  • Reduced muscle tension, improved joint mobility, and enhanced athletic performance. 
5. Clears Meridian and Lymph

Tera Hertz waive regulate endocrine glands and protect our organs.

By using these therapies, individuals can experience a significant reduction in stress levels, which is known to affect gland function negatively. 


6. Improve Circulation and Mobility

Terahertz frequency:

  • Reduces blood flow resistance and viscosity.
  • Improves microcirculation.
  • Cleanse blood impurities and inner body.
  • Promote blood circulation and removing clots.
  • Soften blood vessels and lumps
  • Reduced muscle tension, improved joint mobility, and enhanced athletic performance. 
7. Regulating Glands

Tera Hertz waive regulate endocrine glands and protect our organs.

By using these therapies, individuals can experience a significant reduction in stress levels, which is known to affect gland function negatively. 


8. Remove Water Retention

Water retention occurs when our body’s moisture level is too high, resulting in aches, pains, and swelling in our feet.

With iTeraCare normal cells slightly absorb Tera Hertz energy, increase temperature moderately, clear unnecessary moisture, balance their acidity and alkalinity levels and balance out our immune system.


The iTeraCare Device has been rigorously tested, inspected, and certified by several authoritative organizations, including the China Beijing Academy of Sciences, National Intellectual Property Rights and Patent Certification, and many others, to ensure its quality and efficacy.

How to Buy Iteracare Blower Device in Australia ?

Looking for a healing session in Melbourne or want to experience healing with the iTeraCare Pro Device?

Our experienced practitioners provide a range of services to suit your individual needs.

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